We make local and
international shipments

Contact form Please use the form below to send us a message. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

Contact informationBeside the online contact form, you can contact us by phone or fax. You have all the information you need below.

Sediul Verdura

8 Sf. Apostol Andrei St.

Oradea, County Bihor,

411511, Romania


Tel.: (+40) 744 300 333
Fax: (+40) 359 428 109


Email: office@verdura.ro
Skype ID: ionescu.verdura


Schedule: L-V: 08.00-17.00


Ionescu Alexe-Ionut
Marketing Director
Tel. +40 744-300-269


Ionescu Ioana
Logistics Manager:
Tel. +40 744 300 333
